漁民仔醫師退休 病患捨不得 「呂醫師,謝謝你!」在宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮南方澳漁村行醫61年的呂盛賢,決定脫下醫師袍退休,其「盛賢診所」也吹熄燈號;這幾天,不少老 台北港式飲茶病患捨不得他,特別跑來診所與呂醫師敘舊。 在南方澳,提起「漁民仔醫師」呂盛?商務中心憛A幾乎是無人不知無人不曉,84歲呂醫師把一生的黃金歲月,全都奉獻給南方澳這個小漁村。 在彰化出生的呂醫師,是 宜蘭民宿日治時期台北帝國大學醫學系第二屆的學生,畢業後取得醫師資格,原來從事細菌學研究工作,但因家計,民國40年來到妻子蔡清芬的故鄉 墾丁民宿宜蘭行醫。 他先到省立宜蘭醫院擔任外科醫生,隔年南方澳漁會為了服務漁民成立了「漁民之家」,他到「漁民之家」擔任專任醫師,多數漁民到診所看病 日月潭民宿,卻不知道醫師名,只好叫他「漁民仔醫生」,後來在家掛牌看病。 「以前得內外科通包!」呂盛賢回憶早期衛生條件不好,漁民常遇到皮膚病,小孩子患小兒麻痺症 麻辣鍋,甚至打架受傷,或被魚鉤鉤傷,半夜血淋淋來就醫,呂醫師總是細心治療,「他的縫傷口技術最好!」老病患姚秀如說。 以前沒有勞健保,漁民生活困苦,呂醫師讓大家「看病記帳」,等 麻辣火鍋月底再結帳,如果信用不好,只好由護士一家家收帳。 很多病患病重,得勞煩呂醫師到家裡看病,「晚上燈光不好,常騎車掉到水溝裡」,到北方澳就診,還得搭竹筏才上得了岸。 在南方澳行 火鍋吃到飽醫超過半世紀,去年他領了行醫60年的獎牌,當年台北帝國大學醫學系的同學,近一半不在人世,也少有像他這樣,年紀超過80歲,還在看病。 在妻子過世後,呂醫師以妻之名,在南安國小及南安國中設了100萬元獎學金,希?盤纏銀兩皝社y漁村子女就學,在南方澳傳為佳話。 盛賢診所平日都有病人求診,「能做的時候,我就盡量做!」呂醫師說,但今年考量年紀大,無力參加健保制度進修制度,決定讓診所在上月底熄燈停診,讓老病患很捨不得。 【2009/04/02 聯合報?金瓜石民宿j  .

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          宜蘭名產~橘之鄉(蜜餞) 金橘又名金棗,為宜蘭獨有的特產,因而宜蘭素有〔金橘的故鄉之美譽〕。   "橘之鄉蜜餞形象館" 是一處以現代化生產設備製作金棗蜜餞加工生產地,也是一處結合地方風情與金棗文化的現地展館。 土地買賣更是國內首創第一家的蜜餞形象館。 除了展售各式精緻美味的蜜餞禮盒外,還透過專業解說的視聽簡報,雖然陳設簡單,卻將金棗蜜餞與蘭陽文化及土地緊密相連。 房地產 入門後接待小姐會親切的請你先喝一杯金棗茶喔! 如果您對一顆顆黃澄酸溜的金棗是如何被製作成酸甜芬芳的金棗蜜餞甚有興趣,走一趟透明化廠房的參觀迴廊, 一顆顆鮮嫩?辦公室出租◇〞熒s鮮金棗經過 「水洗」、「分級」、 「針刺 」、「鹽漬」、「 漂水」、「殺菁」、「真空糖漬」、「熱風乾燥」、「衛生包裝」 等過程,變成令人垂涎欲滴的金棗蜜餞,完整而透明化的製 澎湖民宿程,便能解決您心中的疑問。 〔來自金橘的故鄉,回歸自然的風味〕多年來橘之鄉一直秉持著生產完全不加糖精、色素、香料、防腐劑且又低甜度、低卡路里的蜜餞,深受大家的肯定與喜愛;最近又開發出全世界第 禮服一顆透明的水晶蜜餞,一道來自零下10℃的風味美食,QQ涼涼的舌尖體驗,保證讓您食指大動、愛不釋手。 蜜餞的製作是一個很有趣的中國科技,在二千年前我們的老祖宗發現到成熟的水果掉到蜂巢上,蜂巢水果沒有爛掉而掉落在地上 票貼都爛掉,後來過很長的時間去觀察、研究,他們發現成熟果實掉下來時,它的皮會較薄,氣孔會很方便在蜂巢上有高濃度的蜂蜜會藉著不同的滲透、擴散,自然的提高糖度來達到天然的防腐,這是很偉大的發現也是全世界做蜜餞一定要知道這個現象否則做不出 婚禮顧問來。      其實,在古代蜂蜜是很珍貴的食材,一般的老百姓很少機會用到,只有宮廷裡的貴族或有錢人家才用的起,所以蜜餞是很珍貴的甜點;在古代滿漢全席裡就有這麼一道叫做四合蜜餞。蜜餞,除了用來吃之外,還有另一個非常重要的功能,那它是怎麼用的?小額信貸O?    自古以來,身為貴族家的女孩,每當她們的心上人要出遠門趕考、當官或做生意的時候,就會自己製作一小包蜜餞並提一首詩,用粉紅色的絹布仔細的包起來,然後偷偷的放到心上人的行囊裡,您知道為什麼嗎?因為這些女孩們希望她的心上人在看到這些蜜餞時,能想起在遙 房屋貸款遠的故鄉還有人在等待著他、想念著他,並希望對方在吃下這些蜜餞時,能夠吃在嘴裡、甜在心裡。蜜餞 — 甜甜蜜蜜的餞別就是這樣來的。 【橘之鄉蜜餞形象館】 地 址:宜蘭是梅洲二路33號 電 話:03-9285758/9282160 官 網:http://www.orange.cty.com.tw/ind 有巢氏房屋ex.php  .

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          原生植物保衛戰 9/20到羅東為濕地健檢 羅東市區擁有一方滿是綠蔭與水影的自然園地,盛夏的尾聲,羅東教育中心與荒?酒店兼職市O護協會宜蘭分會共同推出「原生保衛戰─外 濾桶來植物掃蕩行動」的主題活動,邀請民眾替身邊的濕地樂園健檢。濕地 關鍵字廣告是個貼心的朋友,時時刻刻為我們潔淨水源、調節洪流,並為多樣的生物提供棲息環境, 西裝外套但面臨外來種的威脅,不速之客肆意的擴張領土,讓許多在台灣土生土長的生物失去家園,因而影響原生?房地產膃a的健康。 「原生保衛戰─外來植物掃蕩行動」活動於9月20日舉辦,邀請高中以上民眾與國小四年級以上的親子共同 系統傢俱參與。活動將藉由生動的解說課程,引領民眾認識濕地生物的特殊生存之道,並將穿上戰袍青蛙裝,親身涉入淺池中,動手維護珍貴原生植物的棲 婚禮佈置息環境,為宜蘭珍貴的濕地生態盡一份心力。 活動報名即日起至9月16日止,可於林務局自然教育中心網站http://nec.forest.gov.tw、羅東林區管理處網站htt 房地產p://loudong.forest.gov.tw下載報名表,或來電(03)954-0823或(03)954-5114轉244索取,填妥報名表回傳至本中心(03)9553787,將在五個工作天內由專人確認。 (圖為羅東濕地 裝潢,陳美吟提供) CTIN台灣旅遊聯盟--宜蘭旅遊資訊導覽http://travel.network.com.tw/tourguide/twnmap/yilan.asp 宜蘭旅遊網http://yilan.network.com.tw/ (轉載97.08.25台灣旅遊聯盟) 東森房屋  .

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          十類密碼千萬不能用 在資訊技術普遍應用的時代,密碼已經成驗證身份的主要手段,但有些密碼千萬不能使用。 1、密碼和用戶名相同。如:用戶名和密碼都是123456789。幾乎所有盜取密碼的人,都會以用戶名作為破解密碼的突破口。 2、密碼為用?室內裝潢嶆W中的某幾個鄰近的數位或字母。如:用戶名為test000001,密碼為test或000001。如果您的用戶名是字母和數位組合,如:test000001,那別人要盜取您的密碼時,肯定會以用戶 租辦公室名中的字母或數位來試密碼。 3、密碼為連續或相同的數位。如123456789、1111111等。幾乎所有黑客軟體,都會從連續或相同的數位開始試密碼。如:先試111、111......到9999999999,然後再 訂做禮服試123、321、234、1234......如果您的密碼是111111、123456或654321,甚至用不著黑客軟體也能在片刻試出。 4、密碼為連續或相同的數位,如abcdefg、jjjjjjj等。字母雖然比數位多,但是先試相同的字母如aaaa 宜蘭民宿a,再試連續的字母如abcde,黑客軟體所用時間也不會太多。 5、將用戶名顛倒或加前尾碼作為密碼。如用戶名為test,密碼為test123、aaatest、tset等。以用戶名test為例,黑客軟體在嘗試使用test作為密碼之後,還會試著使用諸?情趣用品ptest123、test1、tset、tset123等作為密碼,只要是你想得到的變換方法,黑客軟體也會想得到,它破解這種口令,幾乎不需要時間。 6、使用姓氏的拼音作為密碼。在不少黑客軟體中,百家姓往往都被一一列出,並放在字典的前列。只需片刻即可 G2000破解您的密碼。以姓氏或姓名的拼音作?密碼還存在一種危險:想盜您密碼的人如果探聽到您的真實姓名,就很有可能用您姓名中的拼音組合來試密碼。 7、使用自己或親友的生日作為密碼。由於表示月份的只有1~12可以使用,表示日期的也只有1-31可以使用,表示日期?酒店兼職漯眯w19xx或xx,因此表達方式只有100×12×31×2=74400種,即使考慮到年月日共有六種排列順序,一共也只有74400×6=446400種。按普通電腦每秒搜索3~4萬種的速度計算,破解您的密碼最多只需10秒。 8、使用常用英文單詞作為密碼。黑客軟體一般都有一個包含10萬~20萬個英文?小額信貸瘚峎衈陴捰X的字典庫。如果您的密碼在這個庫中,那?即使字典庫中有20萬單詞,再考慮到一些DES(資料加密演算法)的加密運算,每秒搜索1800個,也只需要110秒。 9、使用8位元以下的數位作為密碼。數位只有10個,8位元數位組成方式只有10的8次方=100,000,000種,按普通電腦每秒搜索3~4 室內裝潢萬種的速度計算,黑客軟體只需要不到3小時就可以破解您的密碼了。 10、使用5位元以下的小寫字母加數位作為口令。小寫字母加數位一共36位元,組合方式只有36的5次方=60466176種可能性,按普通的電腦每秒搜索3~4萬種的速度計算,黑客軟體只需要25分鐘就可以破解密碼 http://www.twbbs.net.tw/1746641.html 景觀設計  .

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          天倫聖宮安座大典----求道的好處 天倫聖宮安座大典----求道的好處 一貫道寶光建德天倫道場,於民國四十七年三月五日,成立以來,已經經過五十三年。新建天倫聖宮,於民國九十七年一月六日,舉行動土大典,隨即施工興建,承蒙天恩師德加被,前人大德,以及所有前賢大德的護持,工程進行順利,即將即將舉行安座大典,茲淺述求道的好處如下: 一貫道舉辦很多道場活動,恭請總統,以及中央民意代表,前來致詞,他們致詞時,對一貫道的尊貴與殊勝,非常肯定,內 關鍵字排名容如下: 一、中華民國馬英九總統:一貫道所提倡的教育,就是儒家思想,與中華文化一脈相承。近年來為達到文化紮根,傳承發揚的目標,不斷推動讀經活動,深獲各界好評,尤其在往下紮根的工作,做得非常紮實。 二、前李登輝總統:一貫道統攝宋明理學的宇宙觀,儒教的儀節、道教的修養,佛教的規戒等精義,並且以敬天、禮神、孝親、信友、睦鄰、重綱常、法自然、淨人心、進大同為宣教的宗旨?酒店兼職A非常符合今天社會的需要,因而能深入人心。 三、前總統府資總統府資政林洋港先生:每到亂世的時候,一貫道就會應運而生,應運而盛,好像冥冥之中,上天要使一貫道來救世濟人一樣。 四、行政院院長吳敦義先生:民國七十年代,一貫道還沒有解禁的時候,當時本人當南投縣縣長,我就當一貫道國學研習營的主任,因為我知道一貫道傳承優良的傳統文化,幾十年以來,一貫道的老前人、前人們,不怕考驗,宣揚道義, 租房子始終如一,才能讓一貫道在臺灣發揚光大,甚至照耀全球。 五、立法院長王金平先生:民國十九年,師尊領受天命,傳授大道,經過八十多年,歷盡各種考驗,經過各組線前人的努力推動下,開出燦爛的花朵,傳佈到世界八十多個國家,成果讓人慶喜。 六、國民黨吳伯雄榮耀主席:如果有民眾對一貫道不瞭解,請他來問我,我會告訴他:「一貫道是中華民國最好的宗教。」 七、前內政部長黃昆輝先生:一貫道非常重視家庭子女的教育 酒店經紀,對社會國家貢獻很大,是精神修養最正確的方向。 八、前社會處處長唐啟明先生:現今社會上所缺乏、所須要的,在一貫道道場都可以找到。 九、前民政司司長鐘福山先生:一貫道在這個宗教蓬勃發展的社會下,道親的水準是最高的,對淨化人心,服務社會是最多的。 可見一貫道傳承中華文化、發揚中國固有倫理道德、推廣讀經、統攝宋明理學的宇宙觀、遵儒教的儀節、行道教的修養,守佛教的規戒、應運而生、應運而盛、領受天命、傳授大道、重提家 租房子庭教育、精神修養最正確的方向、對社會國家貢獻很大、社會上所缺乏、所須要的,在一貫道道場都可以找到、水準最高、中華民國最好的宗教、傳佈到世界八十多個國家、對淨化人心,服務社會最多,所以受到民眾的歡迎,政府的肯定,是一貫道最尊貴與殊勝的地方。因為一貫道包含心法真傳、天命真傳、道統真傳,所傳授的心印大法,跟歷代諸佛菩薩、祖師、禪師大德、聖賢們所傳授的心法,是一樣的。三教經典,經 文記載無數聖賢、諸佛菩薩、祖師、禪師大德,所傳授的心 辦公室出租印大法,跟現在一貫道天命明師所傳授三寶心法,有異曲同工之妙,舉例如下: 一、堯帝大舜的十六字心法:「人心惟危,道心惟微。惟精惟一,允執厥中」。 二、四書大學篇曰:「大學之道,在明明德,在親民,在止於至善。」 三、中庸曰:「天命之謂性,率性之謂道,修道之謂教。」 四、孟子離婁篇曰:「湯執中。」 五、論語子貢曰:「夫子之文章,可得而聞也;夫子之言性與天道,不可得而聞也。」 六、大藏經---景德傳燈錄:「江槎分玉浪,管炬開金鎖,五口相共行,九十 長灘島無彼我。」 七、乾隆大藏經四十八冊,碧巖錄曰:「打開玄關識鎖,親證本來」。 八、新纂續藏經,嘉泰普燈錄曰:「玄關大啟,正眼流通」。 九、大正新脩大藏經第四十八冊,人天眼目曰:「金鎖玄關輕掣斷,故鄉歸去疾如風」。 十、大正新脩大藏經第八十五冊,梁朝傅大士頌金剛經,藏外佛教文獻曰:「聖教玄關,深奧難測,諸佛莫不皆由此生」。 十一、嘉興大藏經,萬如禪師語錄曰:「向上玄關,西來大意。入道玄關,成佛秘訣。」 十二、六祖壇經般若品曰:「菩提般若之智,世人本自有之,只緣 室內設計心迷,不能自悟,須假大善知識,示導見性。」 十三、道德經第二十二章曰:「是以聖人抱一為天下式。」 十四、道德經第六章曰:「谷神不死,是謂玄牝。玄牝之門,是謂天地根。綿綿若存,用之不勤。」 十五、道德經第五十二章曰:「用其光,復歸其明,無遺身殃,是為襲常。」 以上所印證一貫道所傳授的三寶心法,跟大藏經的記載,佛世尊,以及歷代祖師,禪師大德,所傳授的心印大法、正法眼藏、般若正法、聖教玄關、玄關金鎖、佛祖玄關,完全一樣,請看大藏經釋義----玄關修持觀一書,就可以明瞭,非常尊貴與殊?酒店打工荂C求道的好處,重點如下: 一、可以超生了死。 二、可以改變命運。 三、可以躲災避劫。 四、可以超拔祖先。 五、可以脫離六道輪迴。 六、可以明心見性,見性成佛,證果成真,離苦得樂。 天倫聖宮即將舉行安座大典,是求道,得授諸佛菩薩心印大法的佳期良辰,恭請十方大德前來參加,共襄盛舉,接受仙佛的慈光普照,法雨的滋潤,是超生了死、改變命運、躲災避劫、超拔祖先、脫離六道輪迴,達到生死了,輪迴止,明心見性、見性成佛,證果成真,離苦得樂,最好的機會,希望大家共襄盛舉,共同邁向光明的彼岸及永遠的 房屋出租未來。  .

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          本週精選--Dealing with Burma Through China? Outmaneuvered Again Dealing with Burma Through China? Mar 4th, 2009 By Prof Kanbawza Win Kanbawza Win (a) Dr Ba Than Win is a former secretary of foreign affairs to the Burmese prime minister. He is now the Dean of AEIOU program (the Burmese University in Diaspora) at Chiangmai University Thailand, and an adjunct professor of the School of International Studies at Simon Fraser University of British Columbia, Canada; also a patron of BURMA DIGEST team. THE PEOPLE of Burma have high hopes for Barack Obama. Burmese still look to Washington — rather than Beijing, New Delhi, or Moscow — to provide reliable political support for democratic change. But other foreign policy issues pressing in on the Obama admini 訂做禮服stration may quickly push the Southeast Asian country to the back burner. The United States continues to play a key role in Burma. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, on her current tour of Asia, singled Burma out for attention, signaling a potential shift in U.S. policy away from the current sanctions regime. But the country with much greater influence on the ground is China. With Clinton sitting down with the Chinese to discuss comprehensive cooperation, can Beijing and Washington hammer out a “bipartisan consensus” on Burma?East vs. West The United States has two schools of thought when it comes to dealing with the Burmese junta. One side blindly opposes anything having to do with the Burmese mi 長灘島litary dictators, viewing the junta as evil and advocating for more sanctions to further isolate the regime. The other side, led by academics, intellectuals, and others, feels that the current stalemate and the isolation of the junta do not serve the interests of the American or Burmese people. They believe in dialogue, but not necessarily “constructive engagement” as practiced by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). While U.S. policies on Burma have been traditionally paralyzed by this standoff, China has approached Burma slowly and deliberately, based on national interest. Their policy makers are experts on Burma and they speak fluent Burmese. Most importantly, they know the culture and the 澎湖民宿 motivation of the Burmese, especially the mindset of the generals. Chinese officials regularly visit Burma to closely monitor the pulse of the ruling elite. They study the players carefully, they know the sensitive nature of Burmese nationalism, and they are not arrogant in their dealings with either the government or the opposition. China supports the present regime, but it has also taken care not to antagonize the opposition. The Chinese have met with many opposition players and have made particular efforts to build working relationships with a younger generation of leaders in exile who have the temperament to develop good diplomatic skills, and an understanding of Western thinking and policy formulation. In other words, Chi 有巢氏房屋na is looking after its own interests by dealing with the current Burmese government but also hedging its bets in case of another uprising and the toppling of the military regime. The Chinese have considerable energy interests in Burma. They are interested not only in purchasing natural gas from the gas fields off the Burmese coast being developed by South Korean and Indian firms. They also want to convert the state of Arakan on Burma’s west coast into an oil depositary like Texas and Louisiana. They hope to ship oil from the Middle East to Arakan and then pipe it to the south China state of Yunnan, bypassing the entire trip through the Straits of Malacca to the East China Sea. In this way, Burma becomes a vital part of China’s energy secur 網路行銷ity plan. Knowing the strategic importance of their natural resources and geographical location, however, the Burmese leaders are now trying to play the Russian card by seeking to build a strategic alliance with Moscow as well. This alliance with Russia would gain the Burmese generals another UN veto, just in case the Chinese get too cozy with the Americans in the Security Council. Burma is also turning to North Korea and Iran for assistance. In this context, the United States has an important role to play in Burma but must share leadership with the Chinese. Only the Chinese have the necessary influence to convince the ruling generals to find a durable solution for Burma.A New U.S. Policy The Burmese junta has barely flinched in the face of the suspension 辦公室出租of economic aid, the imposition of an arms embargo, the ban on U.S. visas for senior junta leaders, and the ban on new U.S. investment in Burma. UN special representative Ibrahim Gambari has recently returned empty handed from his seventh visit to the country. It’s time for the new American administration to review its policy. The U.S. policy of imposing unilateral trade and investment sanctions against Burma has proven to be a failure on all fronts. Forcing U.S. firms to disengage from Burma has harmed American economic interests and done nothing to improve the living conditions or human rights of the people of Burma. Furthermore, unilateral sanctions have alienated American allies in the region and strengthened the hand of China. In light of worsening conditions in Burm 保濕面膜a and significant changes in global power politics since the turn of the millennia, a change in strategy is needed. To best achieve U.S. objectives, this strategy should leverage all four major instruments of power — economic, military, information, and diplomacy. A more focused approach consisting of smart sanctions coupled with diplomacy is necessary to force the recalcitrant military junta to respond positively. The Obama administration should lead a new effort to push the key regional states to act in unison, even as the U.S. Congress continues to highlight abuses and sustain the faith of the Burma’s various opposition forces. A smart precondition before the Obama administration offers any carrots would be to insist that the Burmese junta unclench its fist by releasing political pri 酒店打工soners including Burma’s Nobel laureate Aung San Sui Kyi. The administration should also consider a high-profile special envoy for Burma. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, for instance, has visited Burma and is familiar with regional politics. As in the Six Party talks with North Korea, the United States and China should take the lead but bring in all major global powers to have their say and to speak in one voice. Instead of China mediating between the United States and the Burmese government, the United States and China must act together to find common ground and then, in turn, act as honest brokers in a discussion among Burmese stakeholders. Unlike Vietnam and Iraq, Burma retains a heritage of democratic governance established in the wake of post-colonial rule. In 1988, a strong democratic op 有巢氏房屋position party gained the political validation of tens of millions of Burmese people across starkly different ethnic and demographic groups. Outside powers did not create this opposition; U.S.-led operatives didn’t form the National League for Democracy to undermine the legitimacy of an unfriendly government. By teaming up with China, the United States can devise a policy that both respects this democratic opposition and also reaches out to the current Burmese government. If the two great powers can resolve their differences over Burma policy, despite different political systems, then they can set an example for the undemocratic Burmese government and the democratic opposition to achieve a compromise that can bring Burma, finally, into the 21st century.http://burmadigest.info/2009/03/04/dealing-with-burma-through 室內裝潢-china/  .

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          Dusty Naypyidaw's Charm Offensive Snr-Gen Than Shwe Dusty Naypyidaw’s Charm Offensive By The Irrawaddy’s Editor Aung Zaw If you believe sullen generals cannot smile, you are very wrong. They do indeed smile. Burma’s military leaders launched a PR charm offensive in Naypyidaw, the country’s new capital, last week. Their information ministry issued Bangkok-based for 酒店打工eign journalists visas to attend events marking the 62nd anniversary of armed forces day. Several foreign journalists were there, and the BBC and CNN were allowed in to film the military parade. It was a rare opportunity for the foreign press to get a glimpse of the junta's paramount leader, Snr-Gen Than Shwe, wh 會場佈置o has ruled the country since 1992. Al Jazeera was the first foreign TV station to see inside the new capital late last year. The junta’s chief propagandist, Information Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, allowed the TV station to enter Burma in the mistaken belief that it was “anti-American” and that its reports would be biased in fa 濾桶vor of the regime. Than Shwe's armed forces At last week’s armed forces day celebrations, the junta again misjudged the situation. On the day before, it held a press conference at which Kyaw Hsan denied allegations that Burma suppresses religion freedom, recruits child soldiers, uses forced labor and does little to stop the spread of HIV/AI 節能燈具DS—a statement lacking any credibility and showing again that the regime is in a state of denial. The western powers, who wanted to install a puppet government in Burma, were responsible for these false accusations, the minister claimed. Another denial that raised some eyebrows was the statement by a senior officer that a blacklist of banned foreign journalists n 小額信貸o longer existed. Journalists from abroad were now welcome and would be issued visas, he said. Several Bangkok-based journalists banned in the past from entering Burma heard that assurance with interest. Those journalists who traveled to dusty Naypyidaw for the armed forces day celebrations said the military officers who welcomed them were quite friendly and helpful. The journ 褐藻醣膠alists were given a tour of Naypyidaw that began with a visit to a golf course—a significant stop, since golf is the generals’ favorite sport. Visits to massive ministry buildings followed. “Flat and dusty and nothing much to see,” was the impression of one journalist, who left Naypyidaw the next day. One positive side to life in Naypyidaw noted by the visiting journalists was the round-the 室內設計-clock power supply. There were none of Rangoon’s frequent blackouts. Than Shwe, who ordained the move from Rangoon to Naypyidaw in 2005 without informing the public or civil servants, appeared well, but gave an unusually brief 10-minute speech. There had been widespread speculation about the state of his health following a hospital stay in Singapore early this year. The general inspected the troops w 西服hile standing upright out of the sun roof of Mercedes. The choice of a luxury car this year could mean the generals are doing well from their sales of gas and oil to their neighbors.Than Shwe’s speech contained nothing new, however. He called on the nation to "crush, hand-in-hand with the entire people, every danger of internal and external destructive elements obstructing the stability and development of the state." And he w 術後面膜arned that powerful countries “wishing to impose their influence on our nation will make any attempt in various ways to undermine national unity." Finally, he urged people to build “a peaceful, modern, developed and disciplined democratic nation.” The regime’s charm offensive may briefly win the hearts and minds of some people, but as of now no “new Burma” is likely to rise from dusty Naypyidaw.http://www.irrawaddy.org/naypyidaw/index. 租屋網asp  .

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          (轉貼)杜拜王國的幻滅 曾經被視為是中東奇蹟的杜拜王國,近年來在大舉擴張建設之下受巨額債務困擾,它的 主權投資實體杜拜世界公司上週不預期的宣布將進行重組,公司所積欠約590億美元債務將至少延期6個月償還,延期的債務佔杜拜政府全部? 房屋買賣?00億美元債務 的四分之三。這一消息傳出,立即讓全球股市跟著打哆唆,全部重跌收市。許多人擔心去年美國雷曼兄弟銀行倒地引發的全球金融海嘯可能再起,於是紛紛 土地買賣拋售手中 股票。那麼杜拜王國的幻滅又是一個什麼樣的故事呢? 杜拜1971年脫離英屬殖民地,與其他六個沙漠中的游牧民族成立阿拉伯聯合大公國,是僅次於阿布達比面 房屋仲介網積第二大的邦國,但有別於其他各邦,杜拜的石油儲量較少,並且逐漸萎縮下,目前石油出產收入僅佔國民生產毛額一小部分約不到5%。  有鑑於石油所剩不多,使得杜拜政府必須未雨綢繆,在石油貿易之 租房子外另謀出路,1985年在傑貝阿里港,成立杜拜第1個自由貿易港區後,杜拜開始以自由貿易做 為主要的發展策略,並藉著無任何管制障礙的投資環境,吸引大量的外資流入,以及延請外籍人士為他們效力,並陸續跨入觀光業、房地 售屋網產與金融業等經營。  而在1999年著名的帆船飯店落成後,世界各地的熱錢便紛紛湧入,並且大興土木,據統計在2006年共有近7,000億美元在杜拜進行各項建設,包括世界 第一高樓「杜拜塔」、朱美拉人工棕櫚島開發案一旁的七星級亞特蘭提斯飯 港式飲茶店,以及將以300座島嶼組成世界地圖的「世界島」等,這些都讓杜拜被稱作「新紐 約」而成為舉世注目的焦點,更有媒體以「全球必修杜拜學」為專題來介紹杜拜的成功。  然而好景不常,建構在觀光、房地產與金融之上的經濟繁榮,隨著金融海嘯的襲擊後,杜?台北港式飲茶籅犖a景便如同泡沫般的破滅。早在2009年初,便有媒體報導,受全球 金融危機和石油價格下跌的影響,杜拜許多興建中的大型工程被迫停滯,而可能成為「爛尾樓」。另外大量的外籍人士因失業而離開,每天都要取消1,500個工 作簽證。  雖然今年景氣谷底已經過去,但正當各界認為杜 商務中心拜應能挺過這次風暴的時候,杜拜王室卻於11月25日要求各債權銀行展延國營事業「杜拜世界」近600億美元 的債務半年,已指定一特別支援基金,管理杜拜世界的重組事宜,並請德勤公司擔任顧問,而聲明一出便使得全球股市應聲重挫。不禁讓人擔憂才剛走出2008年 下半年金融風暴影響的世界經濟,會不會 宜蘭民宿因此再掀波瀾,引發一連串的「骨牌效應」。  也許去年全球金融海嘯不會在杜拜事件中重演,但杜拜的世界夢,恐怕將會變成海市蜃樓,讓世人空留回憶。(本文寫給漢聲短評) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 墾丁民宿  .

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          台海空權漏洞 根據報導,日本防衛省計畫於二○○九年前在沖繩那霸基地部署F-15戰機,此舉對於防堵中國爭取台海空優無疑地將具有重大意義。由於駐日美 信用貸款軍已在沖繩嘉手納基地部署了升級的F-15C戰機,如果日本也能在那霸增加F-15戰機的部署 禮服,更會讓中國不敢輕舉妄動。 不過,中國已在南京軍區、廣州軍區逐漸完成新式S300地對空飛彈的佈防 酒店打工作業。由於此種飛彈的射程遠大於過去在東南沿海部署的舊式防空飛彈,對於第四代戰機,包括F-15以及F-16都將造成威脅 租房子。為了因應新的挑戰,美軍在今年二月至四月間已在嘉手納進行了F-22戰機第一次海外部署,很快地嘉手納也將成為美國在海外第一個常駐F-22 室內設計基地,這對於中國空軍來說,無疑是當頭棒喝。 F-22是第五代戰機,具有匿蹤、超音速巡弋、高機動性作戰能力,可以輕易突破敵人戰機與飛彈的防禦網。機上可 酒店經紀攜帶六枚AIM-120中程空對空飛彈、兩枚AIM-9短程空對空飛彈,並有兩枚飛彈以及兩枚一千磅GBU-32聯合直攻彈藥可做對地攻擊,估計其作戰能力為F-15的二到四倍。在與俄製SU-3 關鍵字排名7戰機的虛擬戰鬥中,F-22與SU-37的損耗率更僅為一比十。無怪乎美國空軍高層曾自誇地說,有了F-22,演習時唯一的困難就是找不到可以匹敵的對戰機。像這樣高性能的戰機如果能部署在離 租房子台灣只有三百四十浬的嘉手納,必然將對台海安全多了一層保障。 面對於美日都積極爭取空權,我國實也應多多提升自己的空軍實力。現在F-16C/D戰機購案由於政治因素而遭到擱置,殊為可惜。也希望美方能儘速 租辦公室提供我國該型戰機,才不致使美、日兩國努力建構的空防在我們這邊出現破洞。 本文刊於自由時報 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 宜蘭民宿  .

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          常喝咖啡 罹大腸癌風險增-女性多1.9倍發生率 宜多運動吃蔬果 【甯瑋瑜╱台北報導】蘋果日報 台灣大腸癌每年新增八千多人,發生率、死亡率都高居男、女癌症排行榜第三位。據國內一項研究 宜蘭民宿,多吃白肉、常喝咖啡、有抽菸習慣者,都是罹患大腸癌的危險因子,常運動、愛吃蔬果則是保護因子。此外,常吃煎、炸、炒等高 個人信貸溫烹煮的肉類,罹患大腸癌風險更高達三倍。 不可不慎這項由中國醫藥大學與林口長庚醫院合作、蒐集四千多人完成的調查,包括罹患大腸癌?襯衫滲f例組兩千六百多人,與未罹患大腸癌的對照組一千三百多人。兩組都無大腸癌家族史。研究團隊調查兩組人過去五年的飲食頻率與生活習慣進行分析。研究結果刊登 襯衫在最新一期《台灣公共衛生雜誌》。 白肉油炸物宜少量 負責研究的中國醫藥大學健康風險管理系助理教授葉志清說,紅肉脂肪較白肉高,學理上愛吃紅肉者,罹患大腸癌風險會比 票貼較高,但國人平時白肉攝取量遠超過紅肉,此次研究才會出現常吃雞、鴨、鵝等白肉者,罹患大腸癌風險會比吃豬、牛、羊等紅肉者多出高達三倍多情形。在肉類烹煮方式上,高溫煎、炸、炒,男、女罹患 開幕活動大腸癌風險分別高達二點九三與二點四三倍。男、女常喝咖啡者,則分別增加一點五倍與一點九倍風險,至於常喝咖啡的定義則未於調查時說明。在保護因子方面,水果每周至少吃三次,罹癌風險僅零點三倍。男、女有運動 G2000者,風險僅零點五八與零點四七倍。衛生署國民健康局癌症防治組組長孔憲蘭說:「運動與蔬果纖維一樣,有助腸道蠕動。」孔憲蘭提醒民眾,平時除避免高油脂、油炸食物、濃咖啡等危險因子,並增加運動、蔬果等保護因子,且要主動篩 襯衫檢。「一般民眾五十歲以上每年做一次糞便潛血檢查,可降低三成死亡率,全大腸鏡應至少每十年做一次。」 預防大腸直腸癌 .每日五蔬果,少油脂、肉類與精緻食物,落實高纖、低脂飲食.少吃含反式脂肪酸食物,如人造奶油,薯條、炸雞等高 租屋溫油炸食物.烹調方式多採水煮、炒或蒸,避免高溫油炸與燒烤;烹調選植物油,不用回鍋油.減肥、拒菸,遠離肥胖與代謝症候群;多運動.避免濃度高的咖啡與酒.定期做大腸癌篩檢,若有糞便帶血、排便習慣改變等應立即就醫資料來源:梁金銅醫師、王輝明醫師、衛生 情趣用品署  .

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